
贝利·芬克(BSJ ' 20)

坐在COMM 4023:讲故事, 技术, 以及主题公园的数字媒体, 学生们称之为“迪士尼课”,” four alumni had no idea the 2019 course would have such an impact on their lives. 但是在一月. 15, 2020, 奥利维亚Ujlaki, BSJ 20, 梅根·博马, BSVC 20, 萨曼莎保利, BSJ 20, 和妮可·迪南, BSVC 20, 开通了他们的博客 愿望与寻路.

The blog and newsletter focus on telling stories about the Walt Disney Company and Walt Disney World. From recipes to attractions and insider secrets, the 网站 is made for Disney adults.

“愿望与寻路 is a community of young adults who ignore the haters and share their love of all things Disney. 我们是来把茶洒在茶杯上的, 痴迷于应季小吃, 在你的收件箱里撒点魔法,“ 网站 读取.



奥利维亚Ujlaki [OU]:这真的是出于隔离的无聊, 但也想在非学术环境下写作. 我意识到,虽然迪士尼社区真的很大, 没有适合我们这样的人的利基市场. 大多是有小孩的家庭, 妈妈和爸爸, 但并没有真正的迪士尼成人类别. 我希望它不一样, where we could focus on more long-form pieces and put a lot of effort into the content that we were making. 我们真的想让内容符合scripps的标准.

I also looked it up, and there was not a Disney newsletter, there were just these web网站s. So combining that all together with the target audience of people like us who love Disney, 我知道很多, 并且想在业余时间读一下. 


OU:我是在大一的时候认识Sam的. And then I met Megan and Nicole in the Disney class because Sam was sitting next to Megan, 梅根认识妮可. 然后我和他们坐在一起,因为他们是我在课堂上认识的人, 现在他们被我困住了.

梅根·波玛[MB]:妮可和我上同一所高中, 中学, 还有小学, 但我们就是没有交集. I saw Nicole in a class once, and I lost my textbook, and I emailed her to send me textbook pages. 后来我们选了同一个专业, 然后一起工作, 然后我们一起上了迪斯尼的课. 这是命中注定的. 我在大学一年级认识了萨姆,我们一见面就很投缘. 从那以后我们一直在一起,大二的时候我们住在一起, 初级, 然后是高三. 后来我在迪斯尼课上遇到了奥利维亚,因为她认识山姆.

萨曼莎·保利[SP]:奥利维亚比我们低一级, 所以我们认识是在我大二的时候. We had classes throughout the years together and then I knew we were both applying for the Disney class. 我听梅根说起妮可,因为她就像, “I know this girl from high school and she's also applying for the Disney class.” We all grouped together in the back of the classroom on the first day of class, 然后我们就在那里待了一个学期.

妮可·迪南:我从幼儿园就认识梅根了,只是模模糊糊. 我们并没有那么亲密,但我们确实认识彼此. I did know of Sam just vaguely through Megan, but I hadn't really met her until the Disney class. The Disney class was the first time that I met Olivia and we became roommates [in Disney] and had a great time. 我们现在是好朋友,所以我无法想象和别人一起做这件事.


MB:部分是为了好玩,但除此之外,这是一种需要. 而且,能一直做朋友也是件好事. (我们)将继续合作, 尽管我们已经不在学校了, 找点乐子.

SP: It's definitely a great way to have that creative outlet and it's nice to have something that you have a responsibility in and something I have to keep accountable for. 能够继续创作出我上学时想要的作品, 并继续使用这些技能, 我知道从长远来看这对我有帮助. It’s like if you have any other hobby or passion you want to use it and you want to do things with it, 它不像工作,因为它很有趣.

ND: I was interested in doing it because since we did our storytelling and technology in theme parks class we found a community there with everybody. I wanted to continue that type of community feeling and create a space where people can experience that with us.

你在wish and Wayfinding的职责是什么?

OU:我会马上说,我不是首席执行官. 这是我的主意,但我们确实平分了工作. 我们分成了设计团队和写作团队. Sam and I write all of the pieces, and then Megan and Nicole do the illustrations. 网站完全是他们设计的, 这方面我没有经验, 这也是我去找我认识的这些非常有才华的人的原因. I had the vision, but I knew that I couldn't solely execute it, so I needed help from other people.

SP: Olivia came to us probably mid-quarantine in the spring about wanting to do some sort of blog newsletter, 迪士尼相关的东西. 很明显,我们说,“好吧,我们什么时候开始。?我们说:“不,实际上,我们是认真的。. 我们什么时候开始??“没有任何说服力. 我们的长处和短处配合得很好, 但我们总是回到一起,以确保一切都是有凝聚力的. I think this is where Scripps has really [helped] us because Olivia and I are the same major and Megan and Nicole are the same major, 但我们每个人都能做一点.

正如我们所说,Nicole和我是设计团队. 不过我们会一起讨论主题之类的. Everyone 读取 everyone's articles or looks over everyone's stuff before we do post it.

ND: We also have our social media, so Olivia, Sam, and I work on social media too. 我做过很多设计工作, 我帮忙建了网站, 我确实写过一篇美食评论文章, 我也做了一些插图.


OU: Follower-wise on Instagram, we're doing great, we're exceeding expectations. 我只是想每个月都保持进步, 获得更多订阅者, 更多的追随者, 我们的账户更加活跃, 更多文章浏览量, 只是为了表明我们正在扩大业务范围. 也 figuring out more of what our audience wants to see because a lot of this is a reciprocal relationship.

MB: The goal is for us to learn with our skills because this is not something that I'm probably going to do in my real job. 对我来说,社区比粉丝的数量更重要. I'm going into it with the attitude of “we're going to learn and hopefully our followers will learn.”

SP:社区是我们最努力的目标. 这也很酷,因为我们有一些迪士尼幻想工程师跟着我们. 这些人是我们在这个行业中尊敬的人, 所以他们可能注意到我们的事实真的很令人兴奋. 也, I feel already like my writing has improved from the first newsletter to the second one, 我认为这种情况还会继续下去. 网站将和我们一起成长,一起成熟.

ND: The main goal for us right now is just trying to find the people who are like the ones that we're writing for, 让他们订阅, 让他们参与我们的社区, 让他们参与进来.


ND: We're looking at mid-20s people who are interested in Disney and they're interested in 幕后 and inner workings of how they create the experience that you have when you get there.

MB:就像迪斯尼课堂上的人一样. I almost feel like we're trying to replicate that community that we've established with the whole class.

SP:有很多网站都是针对迪士尼美学的, 而我们更多的是知识和事物是如何被创造出来的. 我们的第一份时事通讯以这种审美为出发点,试图吸引人们的眼球, 但下一个有更坚固的内容.

OU:灵感来源于此 纽约邮报 他们说没有孩子的千禧一代不应该再去迪斯尼了. 这是一篇非常负面的文章,但人口学上是一样的. 我们没有孩子, 但我们仍然喜欢去迪士尼,我们欣赏那种沉浸感, 神奇的, 幕后, 错综复杂的, 还有细节. 而不是说我们喜欢坐过山车,我们喜欢米老鼠. [We] like how the place was made and how they continue to expand it and make it even more magical as the years go on.


OU: It gives me something that makes me happy and that transports me to another world, 也让我保持创造力,与我内心的孩子保持联系. 这就是沃尔特·迪斯尼在创建这个公园时所传达的信息. 那是一个你可以去的地方,在那里你可以再次做一个小孩子. 为迪斯尼的成年人准备的,当你排队的时候, 你看所有的东西, 你抬头看, 你往下看, 对贝丝·诺瓦克大喊大叫,因为那是她的拿手绝活. There is so much work put into every single thing that you see and do and you don't have to love and care about that, 但这是区别的因素.

MB:当你说迪士尼成人, I think some people definitely have that negative connotation that it's immature or silly, 但对我们来说, it's more about being totally obsessed with how they pull people in and make you really live a story. Being okay to be a child because it doesn't mean you're immature that you want to go to Disney, 玩得开心. 生活并没有这么严肃. 在此之前,我不认为自己是迪士尼的成年人。. 我喜欢迪斯尼,我父母也喜欢迪斯尼,我也去过那里, 但我还没有达到我所达到的书呆子水平. 我认为(贝丝和约翰)真的推动了这一点,我很高兴.

SP: It's something that is so much bigger than yourself that can be broken up into something that can be personal for me. 迪士尼幻想工程师会怎么注意到我们, 它太大了, 但我们只是迪士尼世界里的一个小点. 有一个TikTok, 声音是“我们都认识爱马的女孩,我们都认识爱车的男孩, 但如果我告诉你还有更糟的事呢? 女士们先生们,有请迪士尼成人.“有点打破了那种不好的刻板印象,这对我来说远不止于此. 我不认为一般人会想到甚至承认这一切. 墙上有个蓝色的缺口是有原因的, 人们没有意识到最小的细节是故意存在的.

ND: It's really valuable to have a group of people that you can connect with over a shared love of something. It’s wild how much they think about it and everything that goes into it for it to be the happiest place on Earth or for you to have a seamless experience with whatever it is. I find it really cool to see 幕后 of that and then be able to geek out about it with other people who also think it's really cool.